Data Visualization in R

Knowing how to do data science is also knowing how to communicate. Effective communication is the cornerstone of impactful data science. Either teaching data-related skills or reporting the latest results obtained in our statistical processes.

DataViz in R

These slides will cover a mix of styles for #DataViz. We will learn the necessary structure of the data for the adequate visualization of the information. We will work with packages like ggplot2, plotly, highchart, among others.

I present the next structure:

  • Introduction
  • Data preparation
  • Static #️⃣DataViz
  • Interactive #️⃣DataViz

1. Introduction

  • Visit slides: 🔗 Here! Introduction
    • Recommendation to see in full screen (F11 - Google Chrome)

2. Structure and Manipulation of Data

3. Static #️⃣DataViz

4. Interactive #️⃣DataViz

5. Rmarkdown #️⃣DataViz

Coming soon more content!!
